Thursday, August 3, 2017

August Writing Institute 2017 Day 4

I bought my first coffee today. It was the most money I had ever spent on a coffee, but at least I got a little love.

Grades 4 & 5 stayed with Lucy today to learn more about information and opinion writing.

During small group, Katie took us through some more coaching moves when thinking about conferring. She is so sweet and smart in the way she delivers her coaching suggestions. This session really got me thinking about the kind of feedback teachers give students in conferences. Are they teaching the writer or the writing? Her feedback was so transferable. This type of feedback is going to keep our students moving in their writing, as we cannot get to every student, every day.

Mary Ehrenworth gave a choice workshop on Grammar! Inquiries, Demonstrations, and Extravaganzas. Her session was very thought provoking and I will be blogging about it in a separate post when I have more time to do it justice.

Our closing speaker today was Carmen Agra Deedy.  She has authored many children's books, including 14 Cows for America and The Yellow Star: The Legend of King Christian X of Denmark.  She is hilarious. She told us a descriptive story from her childhood that had us all laughing.

Lastly, I have stayed pretty close to TC, to say the least, this week. I have been focused on learning and a little nervous about heading out. However, this afternoon, Krista, was my guide as we toured Central Park on foot. This run was exactly what I needed. We followed it up with a yummy dinner. Thanks Krista!!

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