Thursday, January 24, 2019

#OneWord2019 - Anew

anew: in a new or different form

I have been watching and reading for years now everyone's #OneWord. I love seeing how someone can hone their focus on just one word for an entire year and how that one word ecapsulates so many things. The word people use seems to fit perfectly with their current situation and flows seamlessly from one year to the next. Take for example, my friend Sarah Johnson's #OneWord2019: Slay. It fits seamlessly with her #OneWord 2018: Rise. How does one do this?

I have been struggling through personal and professional challenges throughout most of 2018. I was feeling pretty good so far this 2019 until last night. Lots came crashing down o me as I lay in front of the fire crying. I hadn't had a day like this in quite a while (weeks is a while for me). What was I to do? Then one word came to me: anew. That's it! Anew. According to Merriam Webster's dictionary, it means in a new or different form. I could rise the next day anew; start new and fresh. I did just that with a 5 mile run, with friends, in freshly fallen snow.

I am working through all kinds of different forms this year. My relationships have changed, my professional career is changing, my housing situation is taking a massive new form (renovation on a budget anyone?). So not only are the various roles I take changing on a large scale, but daily I can change and start new and different. My mindset is powerful and this can guide me through all these uncharted waters.


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