Runner's World has encouraged runners to complete a Holiday Streak and follow it on twitter #RWRunStreak. This entails running every day from Thanksgiving through New Year's Day. You have to complete at least a mile a day. I am relatively new to running. I began the summer of 2012 after watching my husband get back into running. He inspired me to attempt to run after watching him get healthy and gain a lot of hardware (his PR is a 19.12 for 5K). Here he is running with our oldest this year...
Now, I am in no way a hardware chasing lady, as I can barely shuffle along at 10:00 minute mile paces, but I do enjoy the process.
So here I am two days into the streak, having run in 9 degree weather (didn't want to know the windchill) in my husband's blaze orange beanie (it is deer rifle season in W-don't want to be mistaken for a deer), and trying to stay accountable.
Another streak I am going to attempt is a reading streak. There are only 15 school days until Christmas break, so, daily, I am going to read a holiday picture books to my 8th graders. I looped with this wonderful group of 8 students in this supported reading environment this year. We know each other well, but it is a continual struggle to keep them engaged in reading. I am hopeful that with us participating in this holiday picture book streak together, we can share some wonderful stories, as well as, some wonderful memories together.
Here is my list, in no particular order.
My Absolute Favorite...
Am I missing any from my list that you would recommend?
Are you completing any streaks this holiday season?