As Chris Lehman (@iChrisLehman) said at the Wisconsin Reading Summer Institute, "Twitter is the best professional development out there." That is pretty powerful coming from a someone who spends his day working at the Teacher's College & The Reading and Writing Project! I have immersed myself with all kinds of new learning with educators from all over the country. I have rethought my best practices and gained new insight from different perspectives.
So I am calling this a New Year-a New Me as September fast approaches.
- I read many, many middle grade books, YA books and picture books this summer based on recommendations from people I follow on Twitter. I have participated in the #bookaday challenge, reading a book a day all summer. I look forward to sharing them with my students.
- My last post also reflected my opinion of the Top 10 Best Picture books shared at #pb10for10, where I found numerous other picture books to read. Thank you to @CathyMere and @mandyrobek for organizing this!
- I learned about Teaching Like a Pirate (@burgessdave), primarily as an ELA teacher #elatlap (now #elachat, hosted by @JoyKirr, @BHomel1, @KrinerMom, @JayhawkTN) and hope to infuse more creativity and engagement in my lessons.
- I have also joined numerous chats and connected with administrators and lead learners who inspire me to be a positive, productive teacher leader. (#TCRWP, #wischat, #satchat, #mschat, #colchat, #titletalk, #tcrwpcoaching)
- I was also fortunate enough to meet two brilliant people I follow on Twitter this summer Chris Lehman (@iChrisLehman) and Jillian Heise (@heisereads). It was fantastic to connect with them in person.
I am so thankful for connecting on Twitter, and for changing into a "NEW" me. I am also so excited about trying all the new ideas I learned this summer with my students and also with the wonderful team of teachers I am a part of.