I recently received an email from our new Director of Curriculum and Instruction. He is requesting a meeting alone with each of us on the team to discuss our goals for this team and to discuss why we joined this team. So here is my chance to reflect in my first blog post.
I will start with my reasons why I joined the team.
- I LOVE reading and writing.
- I long for more leadership chances (am I an admin at heart, probably).
- I want to be part of the decision making process to better our instructional practices in ELA.
- I look forward to learning more about the progression in ELA from K-12.
- I have experience either teaching, literacy coaching, or offering literacy support in every grade K-8.
- I spent 7 years at a much larger district, so I bring a different experience to the table.
- Did I mention...I LOVE reading and writing.
My goals for this team:
- Learn from each other.
- Make more connections between our disciplines to help students see that each class is not it's own entity.
- Help improve curriculum and instructional programs using current research and educational best practices.
- Organize relevant professional growth and development opportunities.
- Continue to help our teachers progress in their disciplines even though we have many, many things on our plate (RtI, CCSS, SmarterBalanced Assessments, PBIS, blended learning, PALS testing K-1, Curriculum Companion, new Science Standards, teacher effectiveness mandates, etc.).
- Use assessment results to examine both horizontally and vertically our next steps to improve learning.
- Be leaders and positive models in our classrooms.
- Develop, support, and help guide the district's long range plans
Those are my thoughts. Anyone else out there work on a team like this? What are your thoughts?